December 19, 2010

One Crazy Wednesday Night

Have you ever just had one of the strangest nights? Well I did.

It was a Wednesday night when I decided to go to Target and other places with my sister, all though I wasn't ready when she asked me, I decided to get ready real fast, all though I wish I hadn't.
If any of you know my sister, you know she is very inpatient, the whole entire time I was getting ready, she was outside honking her horn continuously.
As soon as I was finished getting all ready, I ran down my stairs (stupid idea.)
When the last three steps came, I FELL! Oh my Dad, I cant even explain how bad that hurt.
My mom came running to screams and tears, my night ended with me laying in my cozy bed, with my leg held high and an ice pack on it.
What a great Wednesday night.
