February 19, 2011

One more step to being in the Navy

A couple days ago Dylan got all signed up for the Navy. Can you say such a proud fiance?

For the past couple of weeks him, his family, I, and the recruiter had meetings after meetings filling out paperwork, asking questions, deciding which job would be best for him, etc. There was one problem though Dylan wont be 18 until July, which means both his parents are in need of signing him over to the Navy. After long discussions if thats really what they want for their son, they decided it was a go!! There are not words that could describe how thankful and gracious we are that this experience is happening for us. We are in this together, thats what makes it so wonderful.

February 15, 2010, Dylan got all signed up for the Navy.
He has to go down to meps (testing place for the military) February 23, where he will take his physical exam and swear into the Navy. And I get the honor of sharing that moment, when he does just that.